- San Francisco
Helen Putnam Park
Sonoma County
- The Haight
- Helen Putnam Park
- Noe Valley
- The Haight
- The Haight
- Six Sisters
- Painted Ladies
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Transamerica Pyramid
The Haight
- Helen Putnam Park
- Cable Car
San Francisco
City By The Bay
- Six Sisters
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Noe Valley
- San Francisco
- Cable Car
- The Haight
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Twin Peaks
- The Haight
- Victoria Secret
Extravagant Shoes
Seen in Haight Ashbury San Francisco
- Helen Putnam Park
- Golden Gate Bridge
Janis & Jimie
Did They or Didn’t They perform or record together?
- The Haight
- The Haight
- Golden Gate Bridge
- The Haight
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Twin Peaks
- The Haight
- Cable Car
- Noe Valley
- The Haight